Surprisingly Quiet Day for Friends and Neighbors

A rare gem of a Saturday—beautiful weather and relatively noise-free for the residents living in and around the 700 block of 8th Street NE. The neighborhood was pleasantly surprised by the absence of the usual blaring amplifier on the southeast corner of H and 8th Streets NE.
And for whatever reason, the fellows responsible for the amplifier—the Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge (ISUPK)—did not appear. This never happens unless the weather is foul. It was the group’s fifth Saturday absence in 2006.
As a reminder, the neighborhood would be just as happy if the ISUPK assembled, but simply stopped using the amplifier.
The only wrinkle in the day was the use of an extremely loud amplifier by an H Street business called the Downtown Locker Room located on the corner of H and 9th Street. The hip and trendy clothing store was having a store promotion. The loudspeakers were pointed toward H Street, apparently sparing the residences on 9th Street.
I’m unsure what the city’s decibel cap is for such amplification in commercial zones, but it sounded much louder to me than the giant video screen broadcasts outside the Verizon Center on 7th Street NW. Those speakers point downward to pour sound on passersby. I’d be interested to know if those speakers affect the residential units tucked aloft in the buildings along the bustling street in Chinatown.
It's clear why they were not there: they're afraid of you and your copyright infringement charges.
I thought they might have headed over to Adams Morgan, LB. No?
I wish the ISUCKPK would come to Adams Morgan. In fact, I hereby challenge them to do it. Because as with most things in this city, laws get passed when the rich neighborhoods are affected ...
Actually, I think the ISUCKPK would be afraid to spout their racist diatribes in such a diverse neighborhood as Adams Morgan. We don't take kindly to out-of-towners being assholes around here. They wouldn't last two minutes.
So I assume it will remain that they take advantage of and harass the poorer residents of our city who usually lack the political clout to affect change. Sad but true ...
Hey, I think you've hit upon something there, LB!
If other neighborhoods, like yours, would reach out and invite the loud and angry men into their communities, it would go a long way toward fostering a greater sense of understanding among humankind.
The neighborhoods would get to know what hours of loud ranting shouted through and amplifier sounds like and the ISUPK would enjoy angry neighbors in return.
It'd be a citywide rotation--ISUPK on tour. So, Lonnie, we'll put you down for next Saturday. Who wants to claim the following? Anyone? Anyone?
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