Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Second Annual Amplified Free Speech Day Slated for June 24

(CLICK TO ENLARGE) During last year's Amplified Free Speech Day, H and 8th Street NE neighbors Marc and Jane use an amplifier to explain to residents, passersby and remaining restaurant patrons that they must contact the city council to quiet the extremely loud amplified speech in their community. The two-hour disruption occured on a Sunday afternoon at the vibrant Wisconsin and N Streets NE in Georgetown. (Copyright © 2006. David Klavitter)

It's not necessarily fun, but necessary for relative peace, quiet and tranquility in the H Street NE neighborhood and throughout the city. I can almost hear the birds singing and kids playing.

Like last year in Georgetown, a group of residents who live near H and 8th Streets NE will gather in public D.C. space and use an amplifier to blast non-commercial speech. The friends and neighbors will demonstrate the absurdity of D.C. noise law, which provides no decibel limits on amplified non-commerical speech anywhere in the city between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m.

WHEN: Sunday, June 24
TIME: 3-5 p.m. ET
PLACE: Adams Morgan neighborhood (exact site to be determined)

We absolutely support free speech. But at 110 decibels--about the same loudness as a rock concert--the amplifier’s use for more than four hours every Saturday has a detrimental affect on H Street NE community residents and businesses alike.

A public hearing on the pending noise bill is scheduled for July 9.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That guy in the picture is hot. I'd like to get a chance to amplify his speech!

3:35 PM  

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